Jul 8Liked by Christopher Iacovetti

The democrats have just as much vested interests in Israel as the conservatives have had in the past. Most people don’t know the basic history of the territory / Palestine or the ideological plague of Zionism. They can’t differentiate anti-Zionism from anti-semitism maybe you can help educate the public on that.

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Author

Absolutely, and historically it's been Republican administrations that have threatened to withhold aid to Israel at specific junctures (e.g., Eisenhower in 1956, Reagan in 1982). To my knowledge no Democratic administration has ever done that, not even Biden amid the current genocide. That's not to deny that Republicans have been atrocious too, obviously, but the "special relationship" with Israel has never been a Democrat vs. Republican issue. The US interests that Israel represents and upholds - weapons manufacturing and testing, energy production, regional hegemony, etc. - are ones that the Democrats are no less committed to than Republicans. There's a slight distinction emerging in how the two parties relate to AIPAC, CUFI, and other Israel lobby groups, but the role of these lobbyists has always been negligible relative to other US policy interests.

Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick's "Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics" is a pretty good book dealing with Democratic support for Israel. The "anti-Zionism = antisemitism" canard is almost too ridiculous to respond to, but Mehdi Hasan dismantles it effectively in this short video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=196723975379109

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